How to Turn Life Around in 3 Months
Life is made of so many ups and downs.
Although going through bad phases is perfectly normal, it can be really hard to cope with them.
If you feel like everything has been going downhill lately, it is probably time for you to make a fresh start.
The good news is that with the right habits in place, you can turn your life around in 3 months only.
All you need is a clear plan to turn your life around and move forward one day at a time.
If you feel the urge to start fresh, the tips below will help you create a life you will love.
Ready? Let’s dive in!

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9 Steps To Transforming Your Life in 3 Months
1. Make Your Health a Priority
Taking care of your health is the place to start if you want to change your life.
Your physical and mental health should always be your priority, no matter your personal situation and goals in life.
To transform your life for the better, you will need plenty of energy, and you will struggle to get things done if you’re not taking your health seriously.
Health has such a huge impact on our daily lives.
This is obviously why this list starts with this point.
If you want to take care of yourself but don’t know where to start, consult with a physician for a check-up.
Additionally, the other aspects below will help you improve your health one day at a time.
1.1 Physical Health
I cannot stress this enough: taking care of your physical health is important, no matter your goals.
When trying to improve their lives, most people focus on their finances and time management skills.
They want to have more money, less debt, and stop being overwhelmed so they can enjoy life and have more free time.
Of course, these are all goals that will help you improve your life.
Nevertheless, no matter what motivates you to change your life, good health is always the foundation of long-term success.
Here are a few tips for staying in good health and having the energy to achieve your goals.
1.1.1 Exercise More
A lot of people struggle to accept that exercising several times per week will give them more energy.
No matter how busy your schedule is, adding exercise to it is key to staying healthy.
I used to hate working out when I was in college. I started running 4 times a week in 2020 and regret not doing it earlier.
It helped me lose weight, improve my sleep, and get more energized.
If you feel tired every day, exercising more may help.
It might sound counterproductive, but exercising does increase our energy levels.
According to Harvard Health Publishing, exercising boosts oxygen circulation inside the body, which helps it function better and use its energy more efficiently.
Working out regularly also helps keep weight under control and protects us from many other diseases.
If you’re not used to working out, start slowly until you feel comfortable, and then increase the difficulty of your sessions.
No matter the type of exercise you choose, if you want to improve your life, just start moving more!
1.1.2 Drink Enough Water
Another simple thing you can do to improve your health is to drink more water.
Drinking more water, less sugary drinks, and less alcohol will improve your health rapidly.
60-65% of our bodies are made of water. Staying hydrated is important to ensure proper body function.
It also helps reduce the feeling of hunger, which can help reduce cravings and lose weight.
If you are not used to drinking enough water, using an app such as Lifesum can help you.
This free app offers many functionalities, including reminders to drink more water and move more throughout the day.
1.1.3 Eat Healthy foods
Another simple habit that will help you change your life is to pay more attention to what you eat daily.
According to the World Health Organization, in 2016, about 39% of adults worldwide were overweight.
As you can imagine, being overweight is mostly caused by a bad diet and lack of exercise.
In fact, it is often said that weight loss is 70% about what you eat and 30% about how much you exercise.
You can’t exercise your way out of a bad diet because your body needs nutrients to function properly, and no amount of exercise can replace them.
I’ve made significant changes to my diet in the last months and can totally see their benefits on my mood, general well-being, and skin appearance.
Eating healthy can be hard, considering the amount of false information available on the internet.
Nevertheless, some apps such as Lifesum and Myfitnesspal can help you reconsider your eating habits and make healthier choices.
1.2 Mental Health
Just as physical health, taking care of your mental health is important for your long-term success.
Good mental health keeps you going when times are tough.
It’s no secret that your mental state will impact your level of motivation and consistency.
But mental health also impacts personality and how we react to failure.
So it definitely affects our chances of success.
For instance, depression has many side effects.
When feeling depressed, it is usually harder to get things done, focus, and remember things in general.
Poor mental health might prevent you from achieving your goals and can considerably slow you down on your path to success.
Taking care of your mental health should be one of your priorities if you want to achieve long-term goals.
1.2.1 Sleep Enough
You need to consider your sleeping habits to improve your life and general health.
Because sleeping enough is important to stay healthy and productive.
If you struggle to find sleep or stay asleep, a few things can help you.
For instance, you can implement a relaxing night routine.
It is the best way to slowly prepare yourself to go to bed after a productive day.
Morning and night routines are also great ways to ensure you go to bed and wake up at the same time every day.
Finally, my favorite tip to sleep better is to listen to a sleepcast. I actually love the Headspace Netflix series and sleep like a baby whenever I launch an episode.
You can download the app or watch the episodes on Netflix directly.
1.2.2 Reduce Stress
Many reasons can make you feel stressed out. And there are such things as good and bad stress.
You can, for example, feel stressed when stepping out of your comfort zone. Doing something new can be stressful but also very rewarding. This is why you should not avoid stress at all costs.
However, if you feel stressed out every day, you must figure out why and take action to improve your well-being.
Being stressed for a too long period will have negative impacts on your general health and sleep.
This is why, to improve your health, you need to find ways to decrease stress.
And guess what? Exercising is a great way to do so!
2. Declutter Your Space
Decluttering is probably one of the most life-changing points on this list.
People who know me also know how much I love nice things. For a long time, I used to think that new things would bring joy to my life, and they did, until a certain point.
The issue with nice things is that they can be overwhelming, just like any other object.
Owning objects can give us a sense of accomplishment, but physical clutter can rapidly turn into mental clutter.
Owning too many things will crowd your space, which can be a source of stress. It can also get really challenging to make room for everything and keep things tidy.
People often think they need a bigger house because they have too much stuff when all they need is actually to get rid of things.
The average American owns over 300,000 items, according to a study.
Yes, 300,000!
Decluttering your space will help you take a fresh start, save time cleaning and tidying in the future, make money (if you decide to resell items), and give you a sense of purpose if you donate to charity.
These are all good reasons to start decluttering your space.
2.1 How to Declutter Easily
Declutter one room after another, starting with the least used one.
Most people recommend doing the opposite, but I realized that starting with the living room or kitchen was not a good idea.
If you do so, you will likely move the clutter to another less-used room and give up by the time you have to declutter it.
By starting with the less-used room, you will have to throw away, sell, or donate the items you don’t use anymore.
This simple trick makes all the difference when decluttering or deep cleaning your house.
2.1.1 Declutter your Home
Decluttering your home is the most obvious place to start if you want to turn your life around.
Home is, by definition, one of the places where we spend the most time during our lives. Hence, it can have a huge impact on your well-being.
Decluttering your home might be difficult as we all tend to accumulate items we love. Getting rid of them can be hard.
You can either decide to start slowly and get rid of a few items daily, or you can make it a family project and declutter as fast as possible.
2.1.2 Declutter your Office
If you have your own office at work, you must also declutter it.
The worst part of decluttering an office is definitely the paper clutter.
You will have to go through every single piece of paper and decide whether you can scan it and keep a digital copy, keep the paper version for legal reasons, or throw it away.
You will also have to define and implement naming conventions for your digital files and folders. This is super important to ensure you stay organized and find the copies in the future if necessary.
2.1.3 Declutter your Car
This one shouldn’t take you too long.
Decluttering your car is also part of the process. The idea is to be ready for a new start, and clutter, wherever it is, sends a bad signal to your brain.
Simply throw away anything you don’t need and ensure you have an emergency kit in your car.
2.1.4 Declutter your Phone
Decluttering your phone is part of the general decluttering process to help you start fresh.
Ensure you create a backup of your files, delete files that you don’t need anymore, uninstall apps that kill your productivity, or install a screen time app to measure the time spent on your phone.
This might not make sense to you right now, but you will understand why it is important after reading the rest of this post.
2.1.4 Declutter your Laptop
Just as for your smartphone, when decluttering your laptop, ensure you create a backup, define a naming convention, organize your files, and delete any files you don’t need anymore.
Another simple thing to do is to detox your mailbox by unsubscribing to all the emails you used to delete without opening them.
This is the last step of the decluttering process, and by the time you reach it, you should begin to feel relieved by all the things you let go of.

3. Set Mini-Goals
Decluttering will obviously not be enough to turn your life around.
You also have to step out of your comfort zone and do new things. People often stay in their comfort zone because they are afraid to take risks and do not believe in themselves. These insecurities are inherited from your past.
The issue is that taking risks helps us grow. Succeeding at something hard is so rewarding. It builds confidence and helps us take on other challenges.
If you never take risks, you miss out on many opportunities, which can affect your chances of success and confidence.
Therefore, you need to set mini-goals to break these limiting beliefs and leave your comfort zone.
Think about the goals you would like to achieve in the next 90 days and write them down.
Not sure about what goals to set? The list below might help you find what resonates the most with you!
3.1 Health Goals
Most people who set health goals want to lose weight, gain muscle, or work out more.
If you are struggling with your weight and health in general, this is definitely an issue you should tackle as a priority.
So many people limit themselves in their daily lives because they do not feel comfortable with their bodies.
This discomfort can seriously impact our mental health, which then impacts all areas of our lives.
If you have wanted to accomplish this for a long time, set it as a priority.
The simple fact of taking care of your body through physical activity and a healthy diet can give you the power to transform your entire life.
If you need to set health goals, you must ensure you do things healthily; consulting a physician is the best way to do so.
3.2 Personal Finance Goals
Like your health, your finances can also impact many areas of your life.
Having a lot of money in the bank might not be your top priority, but if you struggle to make ends meet every month, you are probably stressed out by your finances and need more security.
Developing a success mindset will change your life, believe me.
As far as I can remember, my parents have always struggled with their finances.
They have been stuck more than once because of a lack of money. They have never believed they could make more money and improve their financial situation.
They never had a positive mindset toward money, and this is a limiting belief I have inherited from them.
Even though I had made over $290,000 before graduating from college, I was still struggling to manage my money.
So, even if you are not planning to set personal finance goals, keep in mind that your finances can impact other areas of your life.
If your finances are triggering insecurities, you should definitely work to improve them.
3.3 Career Goals
The average American between 25 and 54 years old works 40,5 hours per week.
It is roughly 25% of the week spent at work. There is no wonder why our jobs can have such an important impact on our health and sense of accomplishment.
If you don’t like what you do for a living, you might not be able to change jobs in the next 90 days. Still, it doesn’t mean you can’t work on your career during this period.
Setting career goals is the best way to avoid staying stuck in a career you don’t like.
Work is such an important area of our lives. Whether you decide to create your own business or take your career in the corporate world to the next level, setting goals will help you challenge yourself and identify new career opportunities.
4. Implement Routines
Your future is created by what you do today, not tomorrow.
If you are asking yourself, “How can I turn my life around?” then implementing positive routines is the answer.
Routines have the power to transform who we are day after day. Small habits create great momentum, which can help us achieve any goal.
To transform your life, you need to implement new routines to support your goals.
Implementing routines when you are not used to doing so can be overwhelming. Below are the routines you can follow to change your life’s direction in the next 3 months.
4.1 Morning Routine
A Morning routine will help you kickstart the day on the right foot. Implementing a morning routine is a great way to improve your time management skills and get more things done.
Implementing a productive morning routine is the best way to work on your goals.
It helps you remember them and stay focused.
When it comes to morning routines, slow mornings can also change your life.
If you decide to implement a slow morning routine, you basically wake up way in advance for work and take the time to do things mindfully.
It is the exact opposite of hitting snooze 4 times and jumping out of bed 15 minutes before leaving the house.
Slow mornings are also a great way to work towards your goals if you want to live a more balanced, mindful life. You can add to your slow morning routine any activities that help you focus on your personal growth, such as reading, journaling, repeating affirmations, and meditating.
If you need help creating your morning routine, you can check my productive morning routine for inspiration.
4.2 Afternoon Routine
An afternoon routine is a perfect opportunity to unwind and exercise, especially if you have a desk job and spend most of your time sitting.
Working out during your lunch break will give you an energy boost. It is also a great way to ensure you commit to exercising despite having a hard day.
Rescheduling my workouts during my lunch break helped me stick to my plans, as I would skip working out after a long day at work.
If you would rather relax during your break, it is the perfect time to read a chapter of your favorite book or listen to a podcast.
Taking a real break in the afternoon helps refocus as well. You will be less tired in the evening and can work on your projects after work instead of binge-watching Netflix.
4.3 Night Routine
Implementing a night routine will help you unwind after work and prepare for a new super-productive day.
Your night routine should help you reconnect with yourself and reduce stress after a long day.
It is the perfect moment to take care of yourself and consider relaxing activities such as yoga, meditation, taking a bath, or reading a book.
An effective night routine will help you keep going when your days at work are getting longer. It will also help you find balance and reconnect with your goals after work.
If you are interested in creating a night routine to balance your life, my productive night routine might inspire you.
4.4 Sunday Routine
Sunday is my favorite day of the week.
When most people spend the day binge-watching TV or Netflix, I spend it preparing for another exciting week.
Sunday is also the perfect day to reset after a long week.
You can do so many things on Sundays to have a smooth week.
Every Monday morning is a chance for a new start. Planning on Sundays is the best way to take advantage of a new week to reach your goals.
4.5 Monthly routine
The last routines we are going to talk about are Monthly Routines.
Monthly routines are great for tracking your progress and staying organized during the month.
A monthly routine, just like a Sunday routine, is the perfect opportunity to do a hard reset and focus on the goals you want to accomplish.
Many people skip this routine, but it is one of the most powerful routines you can implement.
A monthly routine gives you the opportunity to reflect on your future self, track your progress, and set monthly goals.
Mine might inspire you if you haven’t already implemented a monthly routine.
5. Get your Finances in Check
Getting your finances in check is important, regardless of your goals.
You have to learn how to control your money, or it will control you for the rest of your life.
A lot of people feel overwhelmed when it comes to money. If that’s your case, don’t worry! Keeping healthy finances is actually easy when you know some basic golden rules.
If you want to start to improve your finances, here are a few basics you should master!
5.1 Budget
Having a budget is the number one rule when it comes to healthy finances.
No matter how much money you make, you need to know exactly how much you earn and spend to ensure you have your finances under control and can finance your future projects.
To create a budget you will be able to stick to, you need to ensure you include some key categories and budget them correctly.
Knowing exactly where your money goes is the first step to improving your finances.
5.2 Save Money
Saving money on a monthly basis is another golden rule for having healthy finances.
One should always live below his means. Hence, you need to make sure you spend less than you earn to avoid living on credit.
If you struggle to make ends meet, you should find creative ways to save or earn more money.
Did you know that there are hundreds, if not thousands, of ways to save more money on a daily basis?
Here are 8 ways to save money fast.
5.3 Pay off Debt
If you want to turn your life around and improve your finances, you definitely need to avoid debt and create a debt payoff plan for your existing debt.
As you may already know, the snowball and avalanche are the main methods to pay off debt quickly.
The strategy you should adopt will depend mostly on the interest rates of your current debt.
The avalanche method is usually recommended when one of your debts has a much higher interest rate than the other ones, especially if the amount you owe is important. In this case, you should start paying off this debt to save money on the interest.
If all your debts have roughly the same interest rates, you should use the snowball method and start paying off the smallest debt first.
Doing so will help you close all small balances as soon as possible.
5.4 Know Your Net Worth
Calculating your net worth is an easy way to track your progress when improving your net worth.
To do so, follow these 3 simple steps:
- Make a list of all your assets (what you own)
- Make a list of all your liabilities (what you owe=debt)
- Subtract your total debt from your total assets = difference = net worth
As you can see, your net worth is not tied to your income. You can make 6 figures per year and still have a negative net worth.
This is why financial education is so important. The more we earn, the more we tend to spend. This natural behavior is called “lifestyle inflation.”
Not being aware of it will often lead to unhealthy finances.
If you want to retire young, you need to work on your financial education.
The good news is that plenty of good personal finance books are out there, so it is now easier than ever to work on your finances.
Here are a few examples:
- The Intelligent Investor by Jason Zweig
- Broke Millennial Takes On Investing by Erin Lowry
- I Will Teach You to Be Rich by Ramit Sethi
- The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel
- Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki
- The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey
- The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas J. Stanley
- Money: Master the Game by Tony Robbins
- The Richest Man in Babylon by George S. Clason
- The 4-Hour Work Week by Timothy Ferriss
5.5 Build an Emergency Fund
Building an emergency fund is another simple way to boost your finances and avoid debt.
It will help you cope with unexpected expenses and avoid getting into new debt.
The amount you should save in your emergency fund depends on several factors, such as the country you live in, the insurance you may already have, etc.
In some countries, unemployment insurance will cover a fraction of your last income for a few weeks; in others, this coverage is extended up to 24 months.
It is typically recommended to save the equivalent of 6 months of expenses in an emergency fund in the US, while 3 months is more than enough in Switzerland.
In all cases, it is recommended to automate savings until your emergency fund is financed and keep the money in a separate bank account to avoid spending it.
6. Time Block Your Time
It is no secret that improving your time management and planning skills is key to turning your life around.
Increasing your productivity will allow you to use your time more effectively, get things done, and find balance in life.
Becoming a master at planning turned things around really quickly for me. It helped me focus on my goals and well-being.
This is what helped me go through college while working 35 hours/week and running an online business.
Never underestimate the power of being organized.

6.1 Plan Your Working Schedule
The easiest way to start time-blocking is to plan your obligations, such as classes or work.
As you cannot reschedule these events, you will have to plan your life around them.
Define a color for all events related to work/classes and stick to it.
Creating these blocks first will help you find out how much free time you have left to work on your personal projects.
6.2 Plan Your Workouts
It’s now time to plan your workouts.
No matter what your goals are for the next 3 months, you need to include exercising in your routines.
It can be hard to define what exercises to do or how often to do them, so you might want to use an app to guide you in the beginning.
My favorite app to exercise is FitOn. I love the fact that you can choose from a huge list of workouts and coaches.
They all have their favorite exercises, and I love their energy. It feels like working out with a friend!
6.3 Plan Your Meals
Remember when I said that you needed to improve your planning and time management skills to change your life?
Well, planning your meals is part of it.
This step is super important mainly for 4 reasons:
- Knowing what to cook in advance will save you a lot of time every day
- Having a meal plan will help you eat healthily
- Knowing exactly what to buy will save you money
- Buying only what you need according to your meal plan will reduce food waste
Having a meal plan for the week is probably one of the best things you can do to save money and time.
If you want to eat healthier in the next 90 days, this is definitely a habit you will have to stick to!
6.4 Plan Your Household Chores
Housework can be such a productivity killer.
If you are anything like me, you always like to have your home perfectly clean and tidy. Keeping your place clean is important, as discussed in the decluttering section.
Your environment significantly impacts your productivity and mindset, so keeping your house clean is important. But you need a cleaning schedule to ensure it will not become a waste of time.
The easiest way to save time on housework is to clean a bit every day. Instead of doing nothing during the week and spending a whole day cleaning around during the weekend, try to clean for 30 minutes daily.
You can add 15 minutes of cleaning to your morning routine and 15 other minutes to your night routine. This is actually what I do, and I no longer need to spend my Sunday cleaning.
I now have an additional day every week to work on my projects, and that’s definitely a game-changer.
6.5 Plan Some “Me” Time
Self-care is important for long-term success.
It is the best way to unwind after a long day and set you up for a good night’s sleep.
Taking care of yourself will help you stay productive and will keep you going in the long run.
This whole process is about turning your life around in order to achieve long-term success. Hence, taking care of yourself is another habit you need to consider.
We all have different definitions of self-care.
It can be anything from reading a book, having a cup of tea, meditating, or watching a TV series while wearing a hair mask.
You should go for it as long as it is an activity you enjoy and that helps you relax.
6.6 Plan Some Fun
Another great way to turn your life around is to do more of what makes you happy.
If you haven’t been focusing on yourself up until now, chances are you haven’t planned some fun for a long time.
When life is busy, we tend to forget about life’s little pleasures, for instance, going to the movies with a friend, going to a new place, or trying out a new restaurant.
Planning some fun rewards during this 90-day journey will help you stay motivated and focused on improving your life.
Hence, time blocking quality time with your friends and loved ones is key to this process.
7. Spend Time Alone
Spending time alone is important to stay grounded and focused on your goals.
This is a habit a lot of people are actually scared of. However, this habit is important to understand what truly motivates you.
You can pay for a life coach, set goals, and work on them every day. Unfortunately, if you don’t figure out what makes you happy and how to find your purpose in life, you cannot create the dream life you want.
This process is about understanding what you need to be happy and how you can improve your life.
It implies reflecting on your past, and it takes a lot of courage to do it.
If this is not something you are used to, here are a few things you can do to be more productive when spending some time alone.
7.1 Journal
Journaling is a great way to relieve stress. It helps get things that keep cycling out of your head and help you focus.
Analyzing your thoughts, making your limiting beliefs conscious, and reflecting on your goals are also very helpful.
Writing a few pages daily can be a real source of motivation to turn your life around.
It can be hard to start journaling, especially if you don’t like to write, but don’t worry, once you start doing it daily, it becomes a habit really quickly.
You can start by listing all the things that went well during the day, what you wish you had accomplished, and reflect on why you weren’t successful.
Journaling is also a great opportunity to learn to know yourself better with journal prompts.
7.2 Meditate
Meditation is one of the secrets of my life transformation.
Yep, this is just how powerful meditation can be.
Until a few months ago, I used to struggle with a generalized anxiety disorder. I could not leave my house alone, and going to public places such as restaurants with friends was a daunting experience.
I almost failed my last year in college because of this health condition until I reached a breaking point.
This life was not worth it anymore. I had to either change it or end it. I went to my physician and asked for help. She did not help. At all.
This is when I understood that I couldn’t rely on anybody else to save me.
I started reading many books about mental disorders and started meditating daily after watching an episode of Headspace on Netflix. And that episode changed my life forever.
Meditation is such a powerful tool it changes the way your brain works. Meditating daily helped me rewire my brain and break the cycle of panic attacks.
A few minutes of meditation daily will also help you relieve stress, improve sleep quality and focus, and increase mindfulness.
You need to work on these things to improve your life.
So why don’t you give meditation a try?

7.3 Express Gratitude
Staying grounded is key to learning how to live life to the fullest and turn things around.
This process is not only about transforming what needs to be changed but also about acknowledging that there are already a lot of good things in your life, things you need to be grateful for.
According to Harvard Health Publishing, expressing gratitude also increases happiness and helps one see the good side of things.
You can easily implement this habit by writing down 3 things you are grateful for in your journal every day.
8. Surround Yourself with Positive People
Surrounding yourself with positive and inspiring people can change a lot in your life.
You probably lack motivation and/or support if you struggle to achieve goals.
Transforming our lives is a tough process. It takes time and energy and often comes with a whole lot of questions.
To go through this process, you need to stay focused, and the people surrounding you can greatly impact your motivation.
If you are usually surrounded by negative people, it can be a good idea to take your distance at least while you work on yourself.
8.1 Have Role Models
Finding role models will also tremendously impact your motivation.
You will have bad days, no matter your goals and reasons why you want to change your life. It will be hard to keep going and remember why you started. This is inevitable.
To succeed, you have to learn how to deal with these moments and not let them impact your success. This is why finding inspiration in others’ stories is sometimes helpful.
Don’t compare yourself too much to them because we all have different stories and progress at different paces.
But acknowledge that it was probably hard for them to achieve their goals, yet they did. So you can get there too!
8.2 Find Inspiration on Social Media
Social media can be a good and bad thing when it comes to achieving goals.
The problem with social media is that it is an endless source of distraction. Remember how planning will help you be more aware of how you spend your time?
Well, if you are from the Y or Z generation, chances are that you are spending way too much time on social media. The average person spends 142 minutes daily on social media, according to Statista.
And that’s an average person.
We are not even talking about Generation Z, who spends an average of a shocking 3 hours daily on social media.
3 hours a day is far enough to transform your life in 3 months. So why don’t you use this time more effectively to achieve your goals?
The good side of social media is that it allows us to connect with people worldwide and find support and inspiration.
8.3 Join Communities with the Same Interests
This is directly linked to social media and how it can help achieve goals.
No matter your plans, communities can help you get there. Finding groups with the same goals can help you get out of a rut.
Turning your life around is a very personal process, but it doesn’t have to be lonely.
You might not find support from your loved ones, so seeking support in online communities can be a real game-changer.
9. Educate Yourself
Educating yourself is a key step to turning your life around.
Transforming your life will come with many learning curves. You might want to start your own business, accomplish something crazy, become healthier, or get a new job.
All these goals require you to develop new skills and increase your knowledge.
Investing in your education is the best investment you can make.
Here are a few tips if you wonder how to do it without returning to college or university.
9.1 Read Books
This is the most obvious way to educate yourself.
Reading daily is a powerful habit successful people share. Stealing this habit from them will help you develop your vision of the world and discover new opportunities for success.
Reading also helps stay balanced and sharp and improves decision-making.
Biographies are a great way to discover how others succeeded and what lessons they have learned.
When a book is published to tell your story, you have either seriously messed up or reached success. In both cases, there are definitely a lot of lessons you can learn from reading the book!
If you don’t know what to read and have already read the books listed earlier, Bill Gates’ favorite books are definitely a great place to start.
9.2 Listen to Podcasts
Podcasts are another great source of motivation to start improving your life.
I love to listen to podcasts while doing household chores, commuting, and working out.
Here is a list of some great personal growth podcasts available in 2022:
- Ten percent happier with Dan Harris
- Happier with Gretchen Rubin
- Tiny Leaps Big Changes, hosted by Gregg Clunis
- The Mindful Kind by Rachel Kable
- The Lavendaire Lifestyle by Lavendaire
- Design your dream life with Natalie Bacon
- Limitless Life by Melissa Griffin
- The Tony Robbins Podcast by Tony Robbins
9.3 Watch Documentaries
Watching TV documentaries is also an option for working on your education.
I did not do this until Netflix considerably expanded the documentaries available in its catalog.
They have great documentaries about personal finances that are definitely worth it. If you haven’t seen it yet, Money, explained, will for sure change your money mindset.
9.4 Watch TED Talks
TED Talks are inspiring videos from expert speakers on education, business, science, tech, and creativity.
Watching a TED talk while commuting is an excellent way to learn and sharpen your vision on many subjects.
Here is a list of my top 5 inspiring TED talks for women:
- My Year of Saying Yes to Everything by Shonda Rhimes
- Why We Choke Under Pressure and How to Avoid It by Sian Leah Beilock
- Why We Have Too Few Women Leaders by Sheryl Sandberg
- It’s Time for Women to Run for Office by Halla Tomasdottir
- For Women In Pursuit of Motherhood and a Career by Irene Mora
Final Thoughts: Trust the process
Turning your life around is such an exciting process.
It implies thinking about your dreams, finding what makes you happy, and reconsidering your day-to-day life.
Transforming your life is more than starting a new chapter. It is about letting go of who you used to be, loving that person but understanding that you can do better.
This process will take time. You can make significant changes as I did in 3 months, but it doesn’t mean that your life will be perfect 3 months from now.
Transforming your life is a never-ending process. Nevertheless, it is the most rewarding one.
The Comments
I started this year with decluttering. I got so amazed there are lots of clothes, things I bought that I never used. There’s more space in my room, I am getting all happier with it. It’s life transforming and I m sticking to it.
Nice post dear.
DymmaHi Dymma,
I totally agree; decluttering is life-changing! It’s an amazing way to make a fresh start to create a new you by getting rid of distractions!
Thanks for the support.
PS : I LOVE your Blog! 🙂